Mirth-Marks & the Very Inspiring Blogger Award…

I would like to thank The Jenny Mac Book Blog for this first-ever nomination for Mirth-Marks — Chelsea has several of these feathers in her cap and it’s an honor to be nominated by her!

The Rules

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven Things About Me

  1. I’m a Libra, but after the Zodiac was supposed to have changed last year, I can’t decide if maybe I’m now a Virgo. Or maybe still a Libra. Or not. Maybe. But on the other hand…
  2. I was once named “Cook of the Week” (for my elk stroganoff recipe) in the Colorado Springs Gazette; the feature was discontinued the following week…
  3. I ride bikes, climb rocks, ski, scuba, and bruise easily…
  4. I am a “PANK” — Professional Auntie, No Kids…
  5. I have a heavy foot, light heart, and big smile…
  6. I love books, elephants, most music, and all office supply stores…
  7. I write for peace, write for work, write for fun, and write because I have to…

And here are my nominees…


  1. ellisnelson
  2. The Northstar Journal
  3. Spiral Notes
  4. The INFP
  5. The Better Man Projects
  6. Exile Chronicles
  7. Bucket List Publications
  8. Love Living in Colorado
  9. Edible Healing
  10. Brave and Resilient
  11. Nancy Parker Brummett
  12. Eat Where U Live
  13. Patitudes
  14. Amy Braziller
  15. Writing for Peace

Congrats to these nominees … and thanks again, Chelsea of The Jenny Mac Book Blog.

Please feel free to visit my other blogs

365 Days of Divesting— Now on Day #52 of living more, with less…one day at a time!

Alchemy — My opinion…you never know what else you might get.

This Writing Life — From Yours Truly and Quinn Press…

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